Przykłady optymalizacji

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Optimizing the Counter at the Metropolo Hotel by Golden Tulip

In the case of the design of the reception counters for the Metropolo by Golden Tulip hotel, our cooperation with the investor allowed us to significantly reduce costs without sacrificing aesthetics and functionality. The initial design called for the use of natural stone, which involved high costs for materials and installation. We came up with an alternative solution in the form of a high-quality laminate that effectively mimics the appearance of stone, while offering much lower purchase and installation costs.

  • We have achieved savings in excess of PLN 40,000.
  • Aesthetics and durability: the chosen laminate retains the visual quality of natural stone, while being more resistant to damage and easier to maintain.
  • Fast turnaround: The use of laminate allowed the project to be completed faster due to easier processing and assembly of the material.

Optimization of the countertop in the kitchenette of the Tremonti hotel in Karpacz

In a project for the Tremonti Hotel in Karpacz, we focused on optimizing the cost of kitchenette equipment. The initial design called for the use of a Corian-type conglomerate countertop, which is known for its aesthetics and durability, but at the same time comes at a high cost. We suggested an alternative material – a compact laminate countertop that offers comparable properties at a lower price.

  • The material swap has saved 144,000 zlotys.
  • The newly applied material allows the installation of an undermount sink, which is a practical and aesthetically appealing solution. In addition, we provide a 5-year warranty on the countertops, which is an important asset in the context of intensive hotel use.
  • Despite the change in material, the high aesthetics of the finish have been maintained, which is key to maintaining the standards of the Tremonti Hotel.

Headrest Optimization at the Radisson Blu Hotel

The example of optimizing the headrest design at the Radisson Blu hotel shows how precise technical analysis can yield significant savings even with seemingly minor changes. Initially, the headrest was designed as a two-piece piece, which entailed higher production costs. Our efforts focused on changing the design to be made from several smaller parts, which we aesthetically connected using decorative milling.

  • A savings of PLN 35,000.00 on the entire order.
  • Changing the height of the headrest by just 3 cm reduced the amount of unused material.
  • Additional milling not only masks the joints of individual segments, but also enriches the appearance of the headrest, which contributes to a better presentation of hotel rooms.
  • Although the savings on a single headrest is 150 zlotys, with 235 hotel rooms this sum significantly reduces the total cost.
They trusted us

Optimizing investment costs in the hotel industry is becoming crucial, especially when several to several percent savings can be gained through careful analysis of the project in terms of materials, size of elements and type of fabrics. We recognized that many investors are burdened with numerous responsibilities and do not have time to deal with the details of coordinating equipment with design companies. Therefore, we offer to take over these tasks to facilitate the investment process. Working with us, the investor receives ready-made solutions for approval, and we take care to determine the most favorable technical aspects and installation methods. Our experience also allows us to make efficient use of space and select materials that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also cost-optimal. The project implementation process is carried out with minimal involvement of the investor, which saves his time and resources. Contact us to learn more about how we can help lower the cost of your investment and increase its value through strategic planning and execution.

Key points of cooperation:
  • Analysis and optimization: our knowledge of the industry allows us to select the most favorable solutions that bring savings without sacrificing quality.
  • Comprehensive coordination: we determine all technical aspects of the project, from installation to final finishing, so that the investor can focus on other aspects of his business
  • Personal approach: We offer personalized advice and tailor the project to the investor’s needs, keeping in mind the unique character and functionality of the hotel space.
  • Purchase from one supplier: We allow you to purchase everything from furniture to lamps and fabrics, significantly reducing project time and eliminating the need to search for multiple suppliers.
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WH PLUS Sp. z o.o.

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