Kompleksowe Wyposażenie dla hoteli i apartamentów

Apartment facilities affect the comfort of your guests and directly translate into the number of bookings at your facility. Our offer of furnishings for short-term rental apartments includes the necessary equipment for the facility with high-quality, durable furniture.

We use the latest technologies and materials. Our furniture is durable, functional and aesthetically pleasing. We take an individual approach to each project, offering technical advice, design services and pricing to meet all your expectations.

  • We make our furniture to the highest quality standards, making it durable and long-lasting.
  • We have a wide range of materials and designs, so you can choose the most suitable solution for you.
  • We meet deadlines and offer fast and professional installation services.
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WH PLUS Sp. z o.o.

ul. Ks. Bpa Bednorza 2A budynek H2, 40-384 Katowice,
NIP: 9542833439, KRS: 0000934972